Speaking About Responsive Design at Magento Imagine 2013
I’m speaking in two sessions about responsive design for eCommerce at Magento Imagine in Las Vegas next week. Here’s a breakdown of the talks.
Responsive Design Panel: Where, Why, and How
Devices are everywhere these days. Doing good business on all of them is so complex you don’t know where to begin. Take a deep breath. I’ll show you how I’ve helped companies form a plan, budget their resources, and invest in a future-friendly, multi-device strategy with sensational ROI.
This is a panel discussion between Gravity Department, Gorilla Group, and Lyons Consulting Group.
- Strategic Marketing Track
- Tuesday, April 9
- 11:50am – 12:30pm
View my slides and video from this talk.
Responsive eCommerce: Part Two
Last year I made the case for responsive, many-device eCommerce websites. I demonstrated why it was important, what approaches could be taken, why it hadn’t been done, and how to form a convincing strategy to get it done.
This year I’ll show how the many-device landscape continues to explode and change user behavior, review concrete examples of companies that have embraced this and the financial benefits, and pinpoint the key problem areas when building responsive eCommerce applications with insights/examples from my experiences doing so on the front lines.
- Technology Track
- Wednesday, April 10
- 11:15am – 12:00pm
View my slides and video from this talk.
Hope to see you there
I’ll be at Magento Imagine from Saturday to Thursday. Say hello if you see me around.